All of My Ideas Were Failing ๐Ÿชก๐Ÿงต

I was losing my confidence; all of my ideas were failing. That's why I decided to build an open source project. My project, Easy UI, recently crossed 90 stars on Github & 15k+ visitors in 30 days. You can also check it out on GitHub. I can certainly say that my confidence has been significantly boosted; after all, it's my first open source project to achieve this level of success.

Here are some things I noticed while building Easy UI ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป

Building gets boring + repetitive after a certain time. No matter how boring it is, stick with it. Most people avoid boring stuff & lose consistency. Please know boring stuff is equally important. Everything starts becoming normal + boring after a certain time. Stop running and face it.

Keep showing up. No matter what, make at least one GitHub commit a day -- you won't realize it, but this will improve your persistence.

Stay in present + don't get overwhelmed. Thinking about the future will make you anxious & the past is history, so keep all the learnings from the past and start taking actions.

Storytelling is important. People must relate to what you say. People will only read if you have something interesting to say + things you say must come from your product building experiences (don't share fake stories; be honest).

Founder mode ๐Ÿš€

When it comes to hiring -- pay for the resources/tools. Don't hire until you are ready & you have the utmost need of people to do your work. It's easier to manage resources than people.

Ideas ๐Ÿ’ก

Boring ideas make money!!

i.e., website templates, directories, boilerplates, image generation tools...

Boring ideas assure us that the product already has market fit.

Yes, there will be competition, but with good quality + value, you can start monetizing your product.

And lastly, but most importantly,

HAVE A MENTOR, TONS OF INSPIRATION, and read motivational books because you need as much motivation + inspiration as you can get.

Most of my products failed because of a negative thinking & lack of inspiration. Changing my habits and staying positive helped me in building Easy UI.