Introducing Easy UI - Collection 50+ high-quality, free website templates.

Hey there, friends! I'm thrilled to announce the launch of Easy UI - a collection of over 50 high-quality, free website templates designed for web designers and developers. These templates are built using React, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, ShadCN-UI, and Framer Motion.

Introducing Easy UI

Today, I am super excited to launch the first 3 templates:

  1. Easy Template - Suitable for SaaS products

    Easy Template
  2. Designfast - A minimal template designed for service/creative businesses

    Designfast Template
  3. QuotesAI - Ready-to-use Micro SaaS with NextAuth built-in

    QuotesAI Template

Here's the link to check out Easy UI and all the templates: Easy UI - High Quality Templates for Web Designers

Easy UI is 100% Free and Open Source under the MIT License. Feel free to use it for your personal work, projects, or your next business.

Make sure to leave a star on the GitHub repo. It will give me the motivation to keep working and consistently shipping new work.

Here's the link to the GitHub repo: Easy UI on GitHub

My goal with Easy UI is to:

  • Save 100+ hours 🚀
  • Cut thousands in development costs 💵
  • Deliver the highest quality work ✅

I am working really hard on this project and seriously look forward to hearing your feedback. Your constructive feedback and suggestions will allow me to improve this project.

Please check out Easy UI and let me know what you think.

Thank you & happy coding with Easy UI!!